·SFDA approved claim : reinforce iron and folic acid
·Includes folic acid and Calcium ascorbate which help iron absorption.
·The material is ferrous fumigate which does not irritate stomach.
·Fruity taste
·Supply 6.95mg Iron and 0.15mg folic acid / per tablet
·56 Tablets / 56 days supply
保健功能: 补充铁和叶酸
食用方法: 每日一片,口嚼
适宜人群: 4岁以上需补充铁和叶酸者
不适宜人群: 无
注意事项: 本品不能代替药物;不宜超过推荐量或与同类的营养素补充剂同时食用
保质期: 24个月